Tuesday, 17 April 2012

The Pebble E- Paper Watch For iPhone and Android

The Pebble E - Paper Watch is a watch for the post smart phone era. This watch allows someone to instantaneously connect/sync/retrieve sms messages and control their Iphone or Google Android's functions such as play music, read sms's on the go, as well as being able to utilize their iphones apps all  via Bluetooth.  The watch has a high resolution display, and at first may appear to be a normal digital watch, however it's limitless in features and functions.

 The watch perfectly harmonizes with the iphone/android's mobile features, and displays gps coordinates, distance traveled and has a built in viabration feature to alert you if someone is calling your iphone and its not within arms reach.
The video below displays the various features and limitless possibilities that the Pebble E - Watch encompasses. 

Image Sourced from Kickstarter.com

 Overall , I appreciate how old technology as well as new technology can form a hybrid of sorts, and utilize the best aspects from both products. The watch makes a great addition to the iphone/Android in that it allows the user to still control and  monitor their iphone, without having to physically hold it in their hand and divert their whole attention to it constantly.

The Pebble E - Paper watch is a more practical device that allows people who are constantly busy and thus "time poor" (excuse the pun) ;) , to continue on with their daily tasks that require their full attention, whilst checking their watch to see if any important messages or phone calls/apps need their attention intermittently. Ultimately, I would find this a useful product and one that I would contemplate purchasing, as it would be an item that would complement the features on my Iphone in a more productive and seamless way.

Posted by Ryan Maher

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